Our Hero ’20

Project Objectives

  • Encouraged the students all over Sri Lanka to be more productive and made them aware of the current situation.
  • Helped students to create more creative ideas for art.
  • Gave an opportunity to spend the quarantine period creatively.
  • Helped them to maintain their mental health during this quarantine period because drawing arts allows us to disconnect from stress.

Project Overview

  • The competition was done through Social media platforms.
  • The competition was officially launched on the 8th of May 2020.
  • The given deadline was 20th of May and collected arts through E-mail and Whatsapp until above-mentioned date.
  • Received 90 arts from students of different ages and various schools all over Sri Lanka.
  • Uploaded all the received arts in our official Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/rcrcs.org) on 21st of May 2020 and gave 3 days to cast votes.
  • Votes were counted on 24th of May 2020 and announced the winners of this competition on 28th of May 2020.
  • As mentioned activation of data bundles for the winners was finished on the 6th of May 2020 and concluded the project successfully.

Project Details

During the Quarantine period, everyone was finding it difficult to stay at home without being able to do anything interesting during the period. So the Royal College Red Cross Society thought of giving everyone a good chance to get their selves bored out of the beds and do something productive.

“OurHero’20” Art competition was open to all schools and through this competition, competitors were able to exhibit their extravagant skills and effort. The competition was placed under the theme ‘Let’s Respect Our Unsung Heroes of Covid 19’. The competitors sent in their artworks to the email address we provided. We uploaded them to our social media and the top 5 highest liked artworks were given prizes. Below are the prize winners

  • 1st: Tharuli Sihansa Methumli - Vidyakara Balika Vidyalaya Maharagama
  • 2nd: Rehan Nethmira Samaraweera - Royal College Colombo
  • 3rd: Sithika Resandul - Royal College Colombo
  • 4th: Sahan Agalawatte - Royal College Colombo
  • 5th: Chamuditha Sathishan - Ananda College Colombo
  • 6th: Daneesha Iloma Perera - Yasodara Vidyalaya Colombo
  • 6th: Haathim Arriff - Royal College Colombo
  • 7th: Arosha Malith Perera - President's College Kotte
  • 8th: Thenuli Rathindi - Vidyakara Balika Vidyalaya
  • 9th: Anupami Sammani Nawagamuwa - Dharmapala Vidyalaya Pannipitiya
  • 10th: Upuli Keppetipola - Methodist College Colombo