Flood Relief Program ‘24

Project Overview

On 15th of June 2024 the clubs under the community service avenue of Royal College commenced its journey from college premises to provide flood relief packages to the students who were affected by the severe flooding within Sri Lanka. During times as such, it is our duty to help out to our fellow brothers in arms, setting aside differences in age, grade or classroom. The clubs under the community service avenue had taken the initiative on collecting items required for the dry ration’s packs and necessary supply on the items needed by the families who have been affected by the disaster. Along side with the college students, these clubs had taken initiative collecting items from the rest of the college students into donating necessary items and donating it to the family’s students’ families who were in need. The members of the clubs under the community service avenue had visited the families affected and distributed the following dry rations packs and supplies required. Over 15 + students’ families were assisted through the following Flood Relief Program reaching to a clear success in the end.

Project Objectives & Analysis

  • Provide Emergency Assistance: Deliver immediate aid, including food, clean water, clothing, and medical supplies to affected populations. Through the quick response given by the club, we were able to deliver the necessary items within 2 weeks of the disaster.
  • Facilitate Medical Care: Provide urgent medical care, including first aid, vaccinations, and treatment of injuries or illnesses caused by the flood. Through the donations of Samahan, Panadol, Dettol plasters, and Dettol solution, we were able to meet the requirements of those who were affected by the flood.
  • Restore Essential Services: Reestablish critical services such as electricity, water supply, and sanitation facilities in affected areas. We were able to aid the disadvantaged in the restoration of sanitary facilities and water supply by giving them temporary aid to satisfy those needs. The donated items assisting them included water cans, towels, bed sheets, Dettol solution & plaster.
  • Community Engagement and Support: Involve local communities in planning and implementing relief efforts to ensure their needs and preferences are met. We were able to help out fellow Royalists who were harmed by the floods by getting the support from all the clubs in the community service avenue. Through this initiative, we were able to work together as a team to ensure that the necessities were met.
  • Communicate Effectively: Ensure transparent and timely communication with affected communities and stakeholders about relief. We were able to communicate with the affected families through the school administration and get a list of all the necessary items requested by the families.
  • Capacity Building and Training: Train local volunteers and community leaders. We were able to involve young members of the club in the process of collecting these donations and distributing them, emphasizing the importance that they have in this initiative.

Project Details

File Icon 15th June, 2024

File Icon 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Items Donated

  • Medicine:
    • Paracetamol (15 x 2)
    • Samahan (15 x 10)
    • Sidhalepa (15 x 1)
    • Mosquito repellent (15 x 1)
    • Dettol solution (15 x 1)
    • Dettol plasters (15 x 10)

  • Dry rations:
    • 5L Water Cans (15 x 2)
    • 30 Cards - 150
    • Packets - 15
    • Bottles - 15
    • Bottles - 15
    • Bottles - 15
    • 5kg Rice Bags (15 x 1)
    • 90g Soya Meat Packets (15 x 4)
    • 2 Kg Dhal Packets (15 x 1)
    • Instant Noodles Family Pack (15 x 2)
    • Biscuit Packets (15 x 4)

  • Clothing:
    • Bed sheets (15 x 2)
    • Towels (15 x 1)

  • Stationery:
    • CR Books (15 x 4)
    • Pens (15 x 4)
    • Pencils (15 x 2)
    • Ruler (15 x 1)
    • Eraser (15 x 1)